Tech Talk: Stay up-to-date on the latest AI advances

Over the past few decades, the reputation of AI has grown from some small, esoteric area of academic research to a mainstream technology that now is underpinning huge innovation in industries like healthcare, Fintech, and education. Several key breakthroughs underpin this speed of evolution within AI and shape this alteration in the way we all … Read more

Cloud Computing

Revolution in Data Storage and Management The pathway to the effective storing and managing of data in this digital century, which some call the new oil, holds the key to just how efficiently and competitively business or organization could ever be. One of the game-changing technologies that have preferably come into action in revolutionizing data … Read more

Gaming Revolution

Trends in PC and Console Gaming Through the course of the development of this industry, from a few decades earlier having very simplistic, pixelated graphics to the attached 3D features nowadays, PC and console gaming take the cake for being the revolutionaries of the industry, with a push on envelopes on technology, creativity, and entertainment. … Read more

Robot Rebellion: Rise of Automation and Its Job Impact

Automation has been the major blessings-cum-challenge in the industry and technology scenery today. Growing at a very fast pace, robotics, AI, and machine learning are fast bridging the efficiency, precision, and productivity gaps across different sectors. Nevertheless, such a wave of automation also raises major concerns with regard to its job impacts, economies, and societal … Read more

The 5G Revolution

How Next-Gen Networks Will Change Your Life The onset of the 5G technology is a giant further step in the development of telecommunications and connectivity. Having higher speeds, lower latencies, and greater capacities than any of their predecessors, 5G networks are going to revolutionize the way of communication and change the way of life, work, … Read more

The Digital Dollar

Cryptocurrency and Online Payments – How Did We Get Here? The coming of age of cryptocurrencies has brought a paradigm shift to the geometry of digital payments over the past couple of years. From the invention of Bitcoin back in the year 2009 to a bevy of altcoins and blockchain technologies, how the face of … Read more